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unicircle 2022. 1. 7. 11:25




Potential health risks of complementary alternative medicines in cancer patients - British Journal of Cancer

Many cancer patients use complementary alternative medicines (CAMs) but may not be aware of the potential risks. There are no studies quantifying such risks, but there is some evidence of patient risk from case reports in the literature. A cross-sectional




Table 2 Warnings issued by

(a) pharmacy: lymphoma

(b) pharmacy: breast cancer

(c) pharmacy: other cancers


Diagnosis    CAM taken          Other medication            Concern                                  Advice given


Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Echinacea Rituximab Stimulation of B lymphocytes which monoclonal antibodies are targeting (Stimpel et al, 1984; Luettig et al, 1989) Stop echinacea
      Stimulation of phagocytosis  
      Increased activity and mobility of leucocytes.  
      Induction of macrophages to produce cytokines (TNF, IL-1, interferon beta-2) (Stimpel et al, 1984; Luettig et al, 1989)  
B-cell lymphoma Cod liver oil Warfarin Cod liver oil: increase of INR with high or changing doses (Fugh-Berman, 2000) Monitor INR
  Evening primrose oil Sodium valproate Evening primrose oil: decrease of seizure threshold; decrease of effectiveness of antiepileptic medication (Miller, 1989) Discuss evening primrose oil with doctor as unclear whether Sodium valproate was taken for epilepsy
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Echinacea   Echinacea: stimulation of immune system as above Stop both agents
  Kava Kava   Kava Kava: hepatotoxic (Escher et al, 2001; Russmann et al, 2001; Brauer et al, 2003; Humberston et al, 2003)  
Lymphoma not specified Echinacea Corticosteroids, monoclonal antibodies Stimulation of immune system as above Stop echinacea
B-cell lymphoma Kava Kava, Echinacea   Echinacea: stimulation of immune system as above Stop both agents
      Kava Kava: hepatotoxic  
Hodgkin's lymphoma Echinacea   Stimulation of immune system but no interactions with Hodgkin's disease yet reported Avoid long-term use
Breast Ginseng royal jelly Bendrofluazide Ginseng: increases or decreases blood pressure (Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database 2003) Monitor blood pressure, be aware of allergic potential of royal jelly, patient had been hospitalised with an asthma attack shortly after use, unclear whether related
      Royal jelly: allergic reactions possible if history of asthma or atopy (Leung et al, 1997; Thien et al, 1996)  
Breast Siberian ginseng Antihypertensive therapy Siberian ginseng: increases or decreases blood pressure (Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database 2003) Monitor blood pressure
  Goldenseal Germanium   Goldenseal: increases of blood pressure (Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database 2003) Stop germanium
      Germanium: case reports of renal failure, anaemia, neurological and muscular problems (Tao and Bolger, 1992)  
Breast Wild yam   Oestrogenic effect (Aradhana et al, 1992) Stop wild yam
Breast Evening primrose oil, Fish oil Naproxen Both: increase INR (Brox et al, 1981; Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database 2003) Report any sign of bleeding
Breast Kava Kava,   Kava Kava: hepatotoxic Stop kava kava
Breast Cod liver oil Ibuprofen Increases INR in high doses (Brox et al, 1981; Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database 2003) Report any sign of bleeding
Breast Beta-carotene   Increases risk of lung and prostate cancer in smokers (The Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta Carotene Cancer Prevention Study Group 1994; Heinonen et al, 1998; Patrick, 2000) Stop beta-carotene
Breast Milk thistle, Goldenseal Paclitaxel Both potentially decrease Paclitaxel metabolism (Zuber et al, 2002; Daly and King, 2003; Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database 2003) Stop both agents
Prostate Ginkgo cod liver oil Diclofenac Codliver oil: antithrombotic effect, increases INR (Brox et al, 1981; Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database 2003) Report any sign of bleeding
      Ginkgo reduces platelet adhesiveness and platelet count, increases INR (Fugh-Berman, 2000)  
Ovarian Coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone) Warfarin Coenzyme Q10: reduces anticoagulant properties of warfarin, has vitamin K like effects Unable to assess safety of combination, therefore not recommended
  Milk thistle   Milk thistle: inhibits warfarin metabolism (CYP2C9) (Heck et al, 2000; Daly and King, 2003; Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database 2003)  
Oesophageal Garlic Aspirin, Omeprazole May increase INR, increased risk of gastro-intestinal haemorrhage (Fugh-Berman, 2000) Report any sign of bleeding
Testicular Ginkgo, Garlic, Codliver oil Aspirin All may increase INR (Brox et al, 1981; Fugh-Berman, 2000; Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database 2003) Report any sign of bleeding
Endometrial Milk thistle Doxorubicin Potentially decreases doxorubicin metabolism (Kivisto et al, 1995) Stop milk thistle
Ovarian Laetrile (apricot)   Safety concern because of cyanide contents (Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database 2003) Advised of risk and discouraged use
British Journal of Cancer (Br J Cancer) ISSN 1532-1827 (online) ISSN 0007-0920 (print)