orlistat may be listat does not significantly alter the pharmaco- used during long-term pharmacotherapy in over- kinetics of glibenclamide (glyburide),[133] or metfor- weight and obese psychiatric patients. In addition, min.[119] However, there is evidence that the combi- orlistat was beneficial in the treatment of clozapine- nation of orlistat with sulfonylureas or metformin induced hyperglycaemia and weight gain in a causes increased episodes of mild to moderate hypo- 35-year-old man with chronic schizophrenia.[124] glycaemia compared with placebo in diabetic patients.
Orlistat had no significant effect on the Acknowledgements pharmacokinetics of phenytoin,[134] fluoxetine,[112]amitriptyline,[119] phentermine,[119] sibutramine,
No sources of funding were used to assist in the preparadigoxin,[3] losartan,[119] atenolol,[135] furosemide,[135] tion of this review.
Some of the authors have given talks,attended conferences and participated in trials and advisory
captopril,[135] nifedipine,[135,136] pravastatin,boards sponsored by various pharmaceutical companies insimvastatin[112] or atorvastatin.[119]
orlistat has added beneficial effects on metabolic parameters when co-administered with References
statins[137] or fibrates[49,50] in overweight and obese 1.
Dahlin A, Beermann B. Incorrect use of orlistat and sibutramine patients with hypercholesterolaemia or metabolic in clinical practice.
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