
승인된 약물의 용도 변경

unicircle 2021. 8. 22. 17:20


Repurposing approved drugs on the pathway to novel therapies



Repurposing approved drugs on the pathway to novel therapies

The time and cost of developing new drugs have led many groups to limit their search for therapeutics to compounds that have previously been approved for human use. Many “repurposed” drugs, such as d...


Table 2. Examples of drugs tested for indications quite different from their original use

CompoundInitial useRepurposed for:MechanismClinical stage/comments

Atorvastatin (generic Lipitor) Hypercholesterolaemia Cavernous angioma Blunts lesion development and hemorrhage through inhibiting RhoA kinase (ROCK) Exploratory; proof of concept40
Statins Hypercholesterolaemia Oncology Inhibits production of mevalonate and isoprenoids involved in Ras and other small GTPase oncogenes pathways Clinical failures may be due to bad clinical trial design41
Losartan Blood pressure reduction Alzheimer disease Angiotensin 1 receptor antagonist; high blood pressure may exacerbate AD Preclinical trials42
Fenofibrate Reduces, triglyceride-rich particles (LDL) in plasma Reduces macrophage recruitment in abdominal aortic aneurysm Activates lipoprotein lipase, to remove LDL; reduces the proinflammatory protein osteopontin Ongoing randomized controlled trials43
Telmisartan Blood pressure reduction Abdominal aortic aneurysm PPAR-ɣ agonist, reduces TGF-β, MMP-9 and other biomarkers associated with progression Ongoing randomized controlled trials43
Amiloride Acid-sensing ion channel antagonist Secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS) These three drugs were selected from seven candidates for clinical testing for repurposing as neuroprotective therapies in MS Multiple Sclerosis-Secondary Progressive Multi-Arm Randomisation Trial (MS-SMART): a multiarm, phase IIb randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial.44
Fluoxetine Serotonin selective reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)
Riluzol Glutamate antagonist
Edaravone Neuroprotective agent in acute ischemic stroke and ALS Multiple sclerosis Aids in remyelination and neuroprotection Possible candidate for clinical testing45
Dexpramipexole ALS and other neurological diseases: phase 3 trials did not meet endpoint Hypereosinophilic syndromes Serendipitous observation that patients in the ALS studies had reduced eosinophils. 12 Wk/10 patient phase II trial showed glucocorticoid doses, paving the way for phase III46;
Disulfiram (antabuse) Reduces ethanol tolerance in alcoholism Metastatic breast cancer & Alzheimer disease Blocks acetaldehyde dehydrogenase; modulates ADAM10, an α-secretase in neurons which cleaves amyloid progenitor protein to sAPP-α In testing, with copper, for breast cancer: NCT03323346
basis for testing in AD.47
Metformin Diabetes Anti-nonsmall cell lung cancer, & Augmented resistance in aging Decreases hepatic glucose production and enhances insulin sensitivity. The effects in other diseases were observed in many users Phase II for NSCL, trial48; safe but not effective. However, only 14 of 50 patients were enrolled
resistance in aging trial (MASTER)49
ɣ-Secretase inhibitors (GSI) Alzheimer disease: prevent amyloid precursor cleavage Several inhibitors are being testing against a variety of cancers GSIs can inhibit NOTCH1 signaling by inhibiting the secretase, some also inhibit signal peptide peptidases50 Ongoing clinical trials (NCT01981551, NCT03785964, NCT03691207), as well as in combination with other cancer drugs or Car T-cell therapy (NCT 03502577)
Saracatinib (AZD-0530) Cancer therapy Mild to moderate Alzheimer disease Inhibits SRC, Bcr-Abl and Fyn Kinase, the latter may contribute to synapto-toxicity in AD Phase Ib-II trials for AD indicated the drug was safe but efficacy was unclear51
Mibefradil (Posicor) Antihypertensive, calcium channel blocker Short term use as an adjuvant in cancer therapy Enhances action of anticancer agents and radiation, tested especially for glioblastoma Several trials for use in combination therapies52
Nelfinavir HIV protease inhibitor Solid tumors Inhibits endogenous Akt activity in cancer cells Phase I53
Human Albumin Blood additive Immunorestoration Binds and inactivates prostaglandins. ATTIRE study ongoing in England54 to restore serum albumin to >30 g/L by concentrated infusions
Ebselen Antioxidant, (mimics glutathione peroxidase) Bipolar disorder Ebselen and lithium both inhibit IMPase and reduce glutamate and inositol levels in brain areas Tests in healthy volunteers using up to 3600 mg dose55
Loxapine Antipsychotic and antischizophrenia Irritability associated with autism Rebalances dopamine and serotonin levels; increase brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) 12 Wk open trial56
Nitazoxanide Antiprotozoal agent Influenza First-in-class broad-spectrum thiazolide antiviral inhibits strains resistant to neuraminidase inhibitors57 Phase III: NCT03336619
  • Note: Numbers beginning with NCT are ClinicalTrials.gov ID's for related studies. See13 for antibiotics and other drugs that have been repurposed for cancer therapy.
  • Abbreviation: TNF, tumor necrosis factor.