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암 성장 또는 재발을 증가시키는 허브 또는 천연 제품

2004 https://onf.ons.org/onf/31/5/herbs-or-natural-products-increase-cancer-growth-or-recurrence-part-two-four-part-series/html/full https://onf.ons.org/onf/31/5/herbs-or-natural-products-increase-cancer-growth-or-recurrence-part-two-four-part-series/html/full onf.ons.org Herbs or Natural Products That Increase Cancer Growth or Recurrence Aletris (Alertis farinosa) 류머티즘 및 여성 장애에 대한 자가 치료에 사용됩니다...

암치료 2022.05.25

천연물에 의한 암 신호전달 경로 표적화: 유망한 항암제 탐색

2022 Targeting cancer signaling pathways by natural products: Exploring promising anti-cancer agents https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0753332222004437 Targeting cancer signaling pathways by natural products: Exploring promising anti-cancer agents Cancer is one of the leading causes of death and significantly burdens the healthcare system. Due to its prevalence, there is undoubt..

암치료 2022.05.23

암에서 대사 재프로그래밍을 표적으로 하는 파이토케미칼: 역할, 메커니즘, 경로 및 치료 관련성 평가

2020 https://www.authorea.com/users/380481/articles/496443-phytochemicals-targeting-metabolic-reprogramming-in-cancer-an-assessment-of-role-mechanisms-pathways-and-therapeutic-relevance Phytochemicals targeting metabolic reprogramming in cancer: an assessment of role, mechanisms, pathways and therapeutic relevanc The metabolism of cancer is remarkably different from that of normal cells and conf..

암치료 2022.05.19