
암 줄기 세포에 대한 치료 도구로서의 파이토케미칼

unicircle 2021. 9. 26. 00:36




<Phytochemicals as Innovative Therapeutic Tools against Cancer Stem Cells>


자가 재생의 분자 메커니즘

암 줄기 세포에서 자가 재생 유전자의 발현을 조절하는 Wnt/β-카테닌의 신호 전달 네트워크. 


Wnt가 있으면 GSK-3β가 억제되고 β-카테닌이 세포질에서 핵으로 전위되어 결과적으로 자가 재생 표적 유전자 전사가 활성화됩니다. 


약어: GSK-3β, 글리코겐신타제키나제-3β; TCF, T 세포 인자; LEF, 림프구 증강 인자; Wnt, 윙리스 관련 통합 사이트.


Table 2

Phytochemicals that are able to kill the cancer stem cells of tumors through specific molecular mechanisms.

Phytochemicals or Extracts      CSCs Type                   Molecular Mechanism                                 Reference

EGCG Breast cancer Inhibits Wnt signaling [88]
Piperine Breast cancer Inhibits Wnt signaling [79]
Sulforaphane Breast cancer Decreases ALDH1 activity [77]
Inhibits Wnt signaling
Pancreatic cancer Induces apoptosis, activating caspase 3 [89]
Downregulates β-catenin
β-Carotene Neuroblastoma Inhibits Wnt signaling [86]
Induces CSC differentiation
Quercetin Pancreatic cancer Inhibits Wnt signaling [90]
Resveratrol Pancreatic cancer Induces apoptosis, activating caspase 3 [91]
Colorectal cancer Inhibits Wnt signaling [92]
Genistein Pancreatic cancer Decreases number of mammospheres [92]
Decrease number of CD44+ cells
Curcumin Breast cancer Decreases number of mammospheres [79]
Decreases ALDH1 activity
Colon cancer Decreases ALDH1 activity [93]
Decreases number of CD44+, CD133+, CD166+ cells
Induces apoptosis
Colorectal cancer Induces G2/M phase arrest [94]
Downregulates β-catenin
Prostate cancer Induces G2/M phase arrest [95]
Inhibits Wnt signaling
Sasa quelpaertensis extract Colon cancer Induces CSC differentiation [13]
Inhibits Wnt signaling