
허브과 약물 간의 약동학적 상호작용: 그 메커니즘과 임상적 관련성

unicircle 2022. 10. 9. 18:44




Pharmacokinetic Interactions between Herbal Medicines and Drugs: Their Mechanisms and Clinical Relevance

The therapeutic efficacy of a drug or its unexpected unwanted side effects may depend on the concurrent use of a medicinal plant. In particular, constituents in the medicinal plant extracts may influence drug bioavailability, metabolism and half-life, lead


Pharmacokinetic Interactions between Herbal Medicines and Drugs: Their Mechanisms and Clinical Relevance

Table 1. Examples of clinical evidence of St John’s wort (SJW)–drug interaction mediated mainly by induction in healthy volunteers or patients *.

표 1. 주로 건강한 지원자 또는 환자에서 유도에 의해 매개되는 St John's wort(SJW)-약물 상호작용의 임상 증거의 예 *.

3 × 300 mg/day
Duration Subject Numbe Drug Pharmacokinetic Parameters Protein Involved  
Rex Sund
Jarsin LI160
Jarsin LI160
Jarsin LI160
Jarsin LI160
10 days
12 days
13 male and 12 female
12 female
13 subjects
16 male and 4 female
10 male and 11 female
9 male
↓ AUC and Cmax of digoxin
↓ AUC and Cmax of midazolam
↓ AUC of bosentan
↓ AUC and Cmax of ambrisentan
 Cmax of midazolam and fexofenadine
↓ AUC and Cmax of talinolol
CYP3A4 and
P-gpCYP3A4, P-gp
Jarsin LI160
Solaray 3 × 325 mg/day
Jarsin LI160
Willmar Schwabe Pharm
Jarsin LI160
14 days 6 male and 2 female
7 male and 5 female
8 male
12 subjects *
6 male and 6 female
12 male
12 male
15 male
8 male
16 male
14 male
15 male and 6 female
14 subjects
6 male and 6 female
4 male and 7 female *
↓ AUC of indinavir
↓ AUC of midazolam
↓ AUC of simvastatin
↓ AUC of amitriptyline
↓ AUC and Cmax of imatinib
↓ AUC and Cmax of omeprazole
↓ AUC and Cmax of mephenitoin
AUC and Cmax no change of repaglinide
↓ AUC and Cmax of verapamil
↓ AUC and Cmax of voriconazole
↓ AUC and Cmax of zolpidem
↓ AUC and Cmax of gliclazide
↓ AUC and Cmax of nifedipine
↓ AUC and Cmax of S-ketamine
↓ AUC of docetaxel
CYP3A5, P-gp
CYP3A4/5, P-gp CYP2C19
LichtwerPharma AG 18 days 2 male and 8 female * ↓ AUC and Cmax of tacrolimus CYP3A, P-gp  
Modigen 2 × 300 mg/day 21 days 20 male no effect
steady-state of metformin
Rexall Sundown
56 days
28 days
12 female
16 female
6 male and 6 female
↓ AUC and Cmax of ethinyl estradiol/norethindrone combination
↓ AUC of ethinyl estradiol/norethindrone combination
↓6-hydroxychlorzoxazone/chlorzoxazone serum ratios (2-h)
↓1-dydroxymidazolam/midazolam serum ratios (1-h)
in young and in elderly subjects
- 31 days 2 male and 2 female * ↓of (R,S)-methadone concentration-to-dose ratios    


Table 2. Clinical pharmacokinetic studies of Gingko biloba–drug interaction mediated mainly by induction in healthy volunteers or patients *.

건강한 지원자 또는 환자에서 주로 유도에 의해 매개되는 은행나무-약물 상호작용의 임상 약동학 연구 *.

Herbal Extract-Dose Duration Subject Number Drug Pharmacokinetic Parameters Protein Involved  
Ginkgo biloba extract 240 mg standardized to 0.12% to 0.3% hypericin 14 days 12 subjects ↓ AUC of alprazolam CYP3A4 [77]
no effect
half-life of elimination
Ginkgo biloba extract 240 mg 28 days 14 subjects ↓ AUC and Cmax of midazolam CYP3A4 [78]
EGb 761 360 mg standardized to the content of 24% Ginkgo flavone glycoside and 6% terpene lactone 28 days 10 male ↓ oral clearance ↑AUC of midazolam
↓ AUC of tolbutamide
Ginkgo biloba extract mg not available some months 1 HIV-infected * ↓ plasma concentrations of efavirenz CYP2B6 [87]
Ginkgo biloba extract 120 mg, twice daily 12 days 7 male voriconazole
no pharmacokinetic change of
extensive (2C19*1/2C19*1) and poor (2C19*2/2C19*2) metabolizers [85]
Ginkgo biloba extract 120 mg, twice daily 14 days 14 male bupropion
no pharmacokinetic change
CYP2B6 [88]
Ginkgo biloba extract 120 mg, twice daily 28 days 12 male diazepam
no pharmacokinetic change
CYP2C19 [86]
Ginko biloba extract 360 mg/day 14 days 10 male Cmax and AUC of talinolol
no effects elimination half-life
P-gp inhibition [90]
Tavonin extract 120 mg twice daily 14 days 9 male and 9 female Cmax and AUC of raltegravir P-gp inhibition [92]
EGb 761® 120 mg twice daily or 240 mg once daily 8 days 18: male and female caffeine
no pharmacokinetic changes
Ginexin® 80 mg twice daily 7 days 34 male Cilostazol
no pharmacokinetic changes
CYP2C19 and CYP3A [96]
Ginkgo biloba extract 360 mg) 14 days 16 male ↓AUC(0–∞) and Cmax
↑ Vd and CL atorvastatin
CYP3A4 [97]
Ginko biloba extract 120 mg twice daily 14 days 14 subjects ↑AUC(0–∞) and Cmax simvastatin OATP1B1, CYP3A4 and BCRP [99]

Table 3. Clinical pharmacokinetic studies of interaction between garlic extracts and drugs mediated mainly by induction in healthy volunteers or patients *.

표 3. 건강한 지원자 또는 환자에서 주로 유도에 의해 매개되는 마늘 추출물과 약물 간의 상호 작용에 대한 임상 약동학 연구 *.

Dose Duration        
Garlic oil 500 mg three times daily 28 days 6 male and 6 female ↓6-hydroxychlorzoxazone/chlorzoxazone serum ratios (2-h)
in young and
in elderly subjects
↓paraxanthine/caffeine serum ratios (6-h)
1-dydroxymidazolam/midazolam serum ratios (1-h)
debrisoquine urinary recovery ratios
no changes
Garlic powder tablets (kwai) 3 × 600 mg tablets twice daily 14 days 9 male and 6 female AUC, Cmax, Tmax, half-life of elimination of alprazolam
urinary dextromethorphan/dextrorphan ratios activity
no changes
Garlic powder caplets twice daily 19 days 4 male and 6 female Cmax and AUC of saquinavir P-gp [114]
Garlic capsules twice daily 4 days 5 male and 5 female not pharmacokinetics changes of ritonavir   [116]

Table 4. Clinical pharmacokinetic studies of herbal–drug interactions mediated mainly by inhibition in healthy volunteers, cancer* or HIV patients.

표 4. 건강한 지원자, 암* 또는 HIV 환자에서 주로 억제에 의해 매개되는 약초-약물 상호작용의 임상 약동학 연구.

Dose Duration of treatment        
Hydrastis Canadensis root extract [Goldenseal] 900 mg, 3 times daily (no standardization claim) 28 days 6 male and 6 female debrisoquin and midazolam
pre- and post-supplementation phenotypic ratio means
CYP2D6 and CYP3A4/5 [124]
Goldenseal 1.323 mg, 3 times daily (standardized to contain 24.1 mg isoquinoline alkaloids per capsule) 14 days 8 male and 8 female  Cmax, AUC(0-∞,) elimination half-life of midazolam CYP3A4/5 [125]
Kava-kava extract138 mg/die 28 days 6 male and 6 female chlorzoxazone pre- and post-supplementation phenotypic ratio means   [124]
Echinacea purpurea extract from root 400 mg, 4 times dail 8 days 6 male and 6 female ↓ Dose/AUC (0-∞)
 Cmax and Tmax of caffeine
CYPlA2 [136]
Echinacea purpurea whole plant extract 800 mg 2 times daily 28 days 6 male and 6 female 6-h serum paraxanthine-to-caffeine concentration ratio CYP1A2 [137]
Echinacea purpurea extract from root 400 mg, 4 times daily 8 days 6 male and 6 female ↑ AUC of tolbutamide CYP2C9 [136]
MediHerb Premium EchinaceaTM tablets 4 times daily
(mixture of Echinacea angustifolia and Echinacea purpurea)
14 days 12 male ↑apparent clearance of (S)-warfarin CYP2C9 [138]
Echinacea purpurea extract from root 400 mg, 4 times daily 8 days 6 male and 6 female ↓ AUC(0-∞) by 23% and of t½ of midazolam, administered intravenously CYP3A4 [136]
Echinamide® Natural Factors capsule 250 mg 2 daily 28 days 8 male and 5 female ↑ AUC of midazolam by 37% and a reduction of half-life by 45% CYP3A4 [139]
Echinaforce® 3 times daily 14 days 9 male and 2 female* AUC(0–∞), t1/2 and Cmax of docetaxel
No effect
CYP3A4 [140]
Arkocapsulas Echinacea
capsule 500 mg every 6 h
14 days 14 male and 1 female° AUC and Cmax of darunavir and ritonavir
No effect
CYP3A4 [142]
Arkocapsulas Echinacea capsule 500 mg every 6 h 14 days 14 male° AUC and Cmax of etravirine
No effect
CYP3A4 [141]
Silybum marianum (milk thistle)          
Silymarin (Thisilyn) 153 mg 3 times daily 21 days 12 subjects ! C8(μg/mL) of indinavir CYP3A4 [151]
Silymarin 160 mg 14 days 7 male and 3 female ! Cmax, AUC of indinavir CYP3A4 [152]
Milk thistle 175 mg 2 daily (standardized to 80% silymarin) 28 days 6 male and 6 female 1-hydroxymidazolam/midazolam serum ratios (1-h sample)
No effect
CYP3A4 [137]
Milk thistle 300 mg 3 times daily
(standardized to contain 80% silymarin)
14 days 10 male and 10 female AUC(0-∞), Cmax and Tmax CL/F, t½ of midazolam
No effect
CYP3A4 [155]
Milk thistle extract
200 mg 3 times daily (standardized to 80% silymarin)
4 or 12 days 2 male and 4 female * No effects on irinotecan clearance CYP3A4 UGT1Al [156]
Silymarin (Legalon)
150 mg every 8 h
14 days 15 patients° AUC and Cmax of darunavir and ritonavir
No effect
CYP3A4 [157]
Silymarin (Legalon)
140 mg 3 times daily
14 days 12 subjects AUC(0-12) and Cmax of
midazolam, caffeine, tolbutamide,
No effect
CYP3A4/5, CYP1A2, CYP2C9, CYP2D6 [158]
Silymarin 420 mg/day 14 days 12 male ↑AUC(0-24), AUC(0-∞) and Cmax
dose/AUC(0-∞) of losartan
CYP2C9*1/*1 [161]
Silymarin (140 mg three times daily) 14 days 18 male ↑AUC(0-36), the AUC(0-∞) and Cmax
↓oral clearance (CL/F) of talinolol
