
Nrf2 와 FN3K

unicircle 2021. 9. 5. 22:28



Nrf2의 탈당화는 FN3K에 의해 촉매되며,

FN3K의 활성은 암세포가 악성 및 약물 내성 표현형으로 진행되는 동안 향상됩니다. 

따라서 Nrf2의 탈당화는 부분적으로 암세포의 종양 발생 가능성에 기여할 수 있는 중요한 메커니즘 중 하나입니다.

Table 2. Phytochemicals and drug interventions that modulate AGE-RAGE-mediated glycation to mitigate cancer cell growth.

Phytochemical                      Signaling Pathways                                        Cancers Refs

Papavarine Downregulation of HMBG1, RAGE, and NF-κB Fibrosarcoma [20]
Downregulation of HMBG1 and RAGE Glioblastoma [224]
Cinnamic acid - Yet to be examined against AGE-RAGE-mediated cancers (?) [222]
Ellagic acid - [218]
Maple syrup - [220]
Thiol-amine -  
Ergothioneine Downregulation of AGEs, RAGE, and NF-κB Pheochromocytoma [227]
Hispidin Pheochromocytoma [227]
Chondroitin sulfate and
heparan sulfate
- Lung metastasis [226]
Duloxetine Downregulation of S100B Glioma cancer [230]
Ethyl pyruvate Downregulation of HMBG1, RAGE, and NF-κB Malignant mesothelioma [228]
Downregulation of the HMBG1, RAGE, NF-κB, and STAT3 Pathways Non-small cell lung cancer [229]
Low molecular weight heparin Downregulation of RAGE-mediated NF-kB Fibrosarcoma [225]