약물 169

허브-약물 상호작용 및 식물 및 허브 제품의 독성학적 위험의 임상적 중요성

2020 The Clinical Importance of Herb-Drug Interactions and Toxicological Risks of Plants and Herbal Products https://www.intechopen.com/chapters/71771 The Clinical Importance of Herb-Drug Interactions and Toxicological Risks of Plants and Herbal Products Approximately 70% of the world’s population has been using medicinal herbs as a complementary or alternative medicine that has grown tremendous..

약물 2022.09.23

위험한 약물 상호 작용이 있는 18가지 허브 보조제

2022 18 Herbal Supplements with Risky Drug Interactions https://www.drugs.com/slideshow/herb-drug-interactions-1069 18 Herbal Supplements with Risky Drug Interactions A review of herbal drug interactions that may occur when these supplements are combined with certain common prescription medications. www.drugs.com 허브 보충제는 무엇입니까? 이러한 제품은 건강을 증진하기 위한 것이며 그 효과를 주장할 수 있지만 강력한 임상 연구가 부족할 수 있습니다. 처방전 없..

약물 2022.09.23