전체 글 576

세포 생존 신호 경로의 미세 조정을 통한 파이토케미컬로 암 표적화

https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/19/11/3568/htm Targeting Cancer with Phytochemicals via Their Fine Tuning of the Cell Survival Signaling Pathways The role of phytochemicals as potential prodrugs or therapeutic substances against tumors has come in the spotlight in the very recent years, thanks to the huge mass of encouraging and promising results of the in vitro activity of many phenolic compound..

전사인자 2021.09.13

플라보노이드 및 비-플라보노이드 화합물에 의한 다제내성 완화-유방암, 폐암, 결장직장암 및 전립선암

https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/21/2/401/htm Alleviation of Multidrug Resistance by Flavonoid and Non-Flavonoid Compounds in Breast, Lung, Colorectal and Prostate Cancer The aim of the manuscript is to discuss the influence of plant polyphenols in overcoming multidrug resistance in four types of solid cancers (breast, colorectal, lung and prostate cancer). Effective treatment requires the use of ..

내성 2021.09.13

암에서 산화환원 항상성의 교란에서 파이토케미칼의 역할

https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3921/10/1/83/htm Role of Phytochemicals in Perturbation of Redox Homeostasis in Cancer Over the past few decades, research on reactive oxygen species (ROS) has revealed their critical role in the initiation and progression of cancer by virtue of various transcription factors. At certain threshold values, ROS act as signaling molecules leadin www.mdpi.com 3. 파이토케미칼: ROS ..

암치료 2021.09.12

식품 성분의 항염 및 항비만 특성: 지방 조직에 미치는 영향

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5758087/ Summary of some major functional foods, their biological effects and signaling mechanisms Food Functional compound Biological function Signaling pathways or mechanismsReference Ginger Ginger extract Anti-obesity/Anti-inflammatory ↑ PPAR-δ 42 Gingerols Anti-inflammatory ↓ PGEs, COX1&2, lipoxygenase, leukotrienes, PG synthetase 43, 45 Zingerone..

대사 2021.09.12

유방암에서 치료 표적으로서의 지방산 합성효소(FASN)

https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Javier-Menendez-2/publication/319883404_Fatty_Acid_Synthase_FASN_as_a_therapeutic_target_in_breast_cancer/links/59c8d778a6fdccc71929c484/Fatty-Acid-Synthase-FASN-as-a-therapeutic-target-in-breast-cancer.pdf 2017년 1세대 FASN 억제제: 약속보다 더 많은 함정 2.1. Cerulenin and C75 그림 1. 유방암에서 FASN의 대사-종양 발생 특성: 유방암 세포는 FASN 신호전달의 과활성화를 포함하여 비정상적인 대사 표현형을 유지하는 데 있어 증가하는 자율성을 나타낼..

대사 2021.09.12