전체 글 576

허브-약물 상호작용의 증거 및 메커니즘 개요

2012 https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphar.2012.00069/full An overview of the evidence and mechanisms of herb–drug interactions 허브-약물 상호작용의 증거 및 메커니즘 개요 An Overview of the Evidence and Mechanisms of Herb–Drug Interactions Despite the lack of sufficient information on the safety of herbal products, their use as alternative and/or complementary medicine is globally popular. There is a..

약물 2022.09.15

허브-약물 상호작용에서 상충되는 결과를 야기하는 다면적 요인

2021 Multifaceted Factors Causing Conflicting Outcomes in Herb-Drug Interactions https://www.mdpi.com/1999-4923/13/1/43/htm Multifaceted Factors Causing Conflicting Outcomes in Herb-Drug Interactions Metabolic enzyme and/or transporter-mediated pharmacokinetic (PK) changes in a drug caused by concomitant herbal products have been a primary issue of herb and drug interactions (HDIs), because PK c..

약물 2022.09.15

임상 증상을 기반으로 한 허브 및 기존 약물 상호 작용의 현재 관점

2021 https://fjps.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s43094-021-00256-w Current perspectives in herbal and conventional drug interactions based on clinical manifestations - Future Journal of Pharmaceu Background Herbs are an important source of pharmaceuticals. Herbs are traditionally used by millions of peoples for medicine, food and drink in developed and developing nations considering that the..

약물 2022.09.14

허브-약물 상호 작용: 메커니즘 및 임상 측면의 개요

2016 HERB-DRUG INTERACTIONS: AN OVERVIEW OF MECHANISMS AND CLINICAL ASPECTS http://ijpsr.com/bft-article/herb-drug-interactions-an-overview-of-mechanisms-and-clinical-aspects/?view=fulltext 2.허브-약물 상호작용과 관련된 메커니즘: 약초-약물 상호작용은 관련된 기전에 따라 약동학적 상호작용과 약력학적 상호작용으로 분류됩니다. 2.1 약동학적 상호작용: 약동학적 상호작용은 약물의 흡수, 분포, 대사 또는 배설의 변화에 ​​의해 유발되어 약물 또는 그 대사물의 수준이 변경됩니다. 2.1.1 흡수 수준에서 허브-약물 상호작용 efflux trans..

약물 2022.09.14

허브-약물 상호 작용 (herb–drug interaction)

2019 Understanding the relevance of herb–drug interaction studies with special focus on interplays: a prerequisite for integrative medicine (상호 작용에 특별한 초점을 맞춘 허브-약물 상호 작용 연구의 관련성 이해: 통합 의학의 전제 조건) https://europepmc.org/article/pmc/pmc6726296 Understanding the relevance of herb-drug interaction studies with special focus on interplays: a prerequisite for integrative me Abstract Integrative medici..

약물 2022.09.12